BWCA Canoe Adventure
August 23-28, 2024

Spend 5 days in the wilderness canoeing and camping. This trip combines the hard work of living in the wild and the fun of being together – swimming, fishing, sitting around the campfire, and enjoying delicious meals (food always tastes better in the great outdoors).

Here’s a few details:

We’ll meet the afternoon of August 23 and travel around 4 hours North to Ely and then about 20 minutes East to Fall Lake campground.

The following day we’ll break camp early, get to our launch site and begin our adventure. This will be a moderately strenuous day, but well worth the effort!

We’ll canoe for 4 to 6miles with the goal of finding a campsite by 2pm so that we have time to set up camp, relax, explore, swim and fish. Note that if you plan to fish and you are 16 years of age or older, you’ll need a MN fishing license. Also note that the guides will decide whether the lake is safe for swimming. Some shorelines are rocky and too hazardous for swimming.

We’ll plan to eat dinner around 5:00pm, with your guides doing all the cooking while the participants will be tasked with set up and clean up. The food will be plentiful and delicious! All water used for drinking and cooking will be filtered.

The evening hours are great for fishing and sitting around the campfire.

The following days may be spent at our first campsite or perhaps we will break camp and move to other sites because it’s fun to explore and see the country by canoe. The group can decide what to do.

On our final day we’ll break camp, canoe back to our launch site, pack up and head home, arriving in the Twin Cities around 7pm. We’ll stop along the way for food. 

Wild Hearts will provide all of the equipment, food and guides.

You are responsible for:

  • Your clothing
  • Personal care items
  • Fishing license and tackle if you desire to fish
  • Getting to pick-up location
  • Adventurous attitude

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Participation packets will be available approximately one month prior to the trip. We will also schedule a group Zoom meeting with participants approximately 2 weeks prior to the trip.


Important stuff will show up here when needed and when available! Check back often if you are going on an adventure with us because there could be some really, super-important stuff here. No, really, it could be the kind of stuff that decides whether you have a great trip or not like... oh, a list of things to pack, for example. That could be crucial. Actually, there's no "could" in that... it's definitely crucial.

Participant Waiver of Liability and Expectations Agreement
This is a required document to be signed by the participant or guardian before your upcoming trip. (.pdf download)
Participant Agreement & Liability Agreement
You agree to these expectations on our adventure and must sign this liability agreement.

Meet Your Guides

Ken Johnson

Lead Guide

As a 6-year old growing up on the outskirts of Duluth, my summer days were spent running through the woods and fields with my neighbor buddies. At age 11 I got involved in Boy Scouts, earned the Eagle Scout award at 14 and at age 16 I began spending my summers on staff at a Boy Scout camp in northern Minnesota. I spent six summers at the camp; my final year as Program Director. Over the years I have led numerous groups on canoe trips in the BWCA, backpack trips in the Rocky Mountains, and mission trips to Central America.

2nd Guide yet to be assigned.